Discipline = Commitment to Self
Discipline is the topic of June
It is a word that we don’t talk about and embrace enough.
For some reason it still has a negative connotation, when discipline really comes down to being a commitment and love of Self.
The discipline we are talking about is not a punishment.
It does not require that we get back at ourselves to achieve an outcome.
Discipline is so much more valuable than that.
And having good health is not just about disciplined actions.
What society has failed at informing us is that so much more important than disciplined actions is a disciplined mindset.
We cannot bully, shame or guilt our body into better health.
Going through the motions of improving our nutrition and being physically active, but all the while maintaining unhealthy thoughts will not produce the success we have in mind.
We are human, so we may give in to negative self-talk and other actions that undermine our worth.
We may seek external factors for validation, forgetting that we ARE everything that we need.
It is easy to get caught up and lose focus on what is important to you.
We are constantly bombarded with images and information telling us what should be important.
And in realizing that we don't have some of those things, negative narratives (i.e. I’m not good enough the way I am) begin to develop in our mind.
Therefore our belief system.
Therefore our actions.
Therefore our quality of life.
This is a reminder to know your worth and trust yourself.
Allow this mindset to help you stay disciplined in your view of yourself and your personal journey.
How we feel about ourselves matters more than we give it credit for.
And if you are looking for a good place to start or reinvigorate your health journey, this is it.
Go on a positive self-talk nutrition plan.
Count your affirmations along with your steps.
Share about your relationship with discipline…
On a scale of 1-10, how disciplined have you been in your thoughts about yourself?