Discipline - Remembering What You Want Most

How do you feel about defining discipline this way?

How do you normally feel about the word discipline?

Don't we often think about it as punishment?

For example, if over the weekend we eat and drink too much, we might feel the need to punish ourselves. So we use discipline to not eat and/or do a lot of cardio the next day in an effort to undo the damage from the weekend.

And while we can look at discipline that way, I think it’s time for a new definition.

A definition that opens our minds to the value that discipline is to our health, wealth and wellbeing.

So, with this understanding, maybe we can rename discipline to commitment to self.

A long time ago, I reframed how I look at discipline.

It did not start out as being intentional. I just really wanted what I wanted.

And whether what I wanted looked achievable or not, I knew and trusted that nothing, no experience, was a waste.

Without knowing how, I knew that I would be able to look back and see how the dots connected to something meaningful.

I VERY SLOWLY learned to trust that if a desire was placed on my heart, then there must be a way.

And if there was a way, I would commit to seeing it through.

It's simple....I want what I want.

In understanding the first two pillars - knowing my worth and trusting in my power, discipline felt different.

Discipline was no longer an arduous task.

Discipline is self-indulgent.

Committing to my happy ending is self-indulgent.

By investing in my self-worth and trusting my Source, I have come to know myself and I will protect and spoil her fiercely.

This... this is what discipline is.

It is remembering and treating yourself to what you really want.

At all costs.

Because you are worth having exactly what you want if you trust in your ability to achieve it.

So, welcome to June and our 3rd Pillar of Wellness - Discipline.

We started our year in April after the Spring Equinox, learning about the 1st Pillar of Wellness, our Worth.

Then we learned about the 2nd Pillar of Wellness, Trust in Self.

Worth, Trust and Discipline are the 3 Pillars of Wellness that make up our Mindset.

Join us in the month of June to forever change your mindset towards Wellness.

It’s time we hold a healthy conversation about discipline and our what it means for our wellbeing.

Stay tuned...!

And happy Sunday!


Discipline = Commitment to Self


Join the Trust Challenge