Our Body is a Gift to Embrace the Present

A beautiful truth about being present…

Our presence shapes our reality. 

Our reality is shaped by the  beliefs we are present to.

When we are not caught up in momentum, but cognizant and present enough to intentionally behave in accordance with our beliefs,

We are being our beliefs.

And when we are being our beliefs consistently,

When we embody and hold the vibration of our beliefs,

We are shaping our reality.  

We are co-creating.

Our body is a gift to help us embrace the present.

Our body allows us to be embodied with Spirit.

And our body has feelings that connect us to the emotions (energy in motion) that make us human.

This is why we honor the temple that is our body.

This is why we want to eliminate states of being, like tired, dehydrated, hungover, achy, medicated, overfed, undernourished. 

These states of being are dense, heavy and make it hard to be present.

These states of being are like static interference to our ability to tune into the frequency of our true Self and co-create the reality we desire.

So we care for our body and the sacred access it provides.

We take deep breaths and explore our senses to connect with our Self.

We become present and see more clearly what truly matters. 

We appreciate and embrace our beliefs. 

And those beliefs co-create our reality. 

The life of our dreams starts right now.

Welcome to the month of September and our 6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

Journey with us through the Spirit realm, elevating our consciousness, spirituality, and physical well-being through the transformational practice of sacred self-care.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.

The Divine in me sees and honors the Divine in you.


Our 5 senses - A Spiritual Journey Through the Present Moment


The Present Moment is a Portal