Our 5 senses - A Spiritual Journey Through the Present Moment

Our senses.

The present moment is found by coming into our senses.

Yessss….our senses.

Each sense is a form of spiritual communication.

Our 5 senses can take us on a spiritual journey through the present moment.

This is where the ‘Clairs’ come from.

So stop.

And take a moment to connect with your senses.

Daydream in your mind's eye - the spiritual gift of Clairvoyance.

Listen and vibe with your surroundings - the spiritual gift of Clairaudience.

Feel the breeze, absorb the sun, sense the stillness - the spiritual gift of Clairsentience.

Smell the roses, the fresh rain or a loved one - the spiritual gift of Clairalience.

If we choose, we all have access to these gifts and the messages they contain.

The key is being present with our body.

Our 5 senses are Divine communication offering us the gift of the present moment, where we co-create.

Now, let us journey through our 5 senses.

No need to write them down.

That’s not the point.

The point is to be present with them.

Take 5-7 deep belly breathes in through the nose and a long slow exhale out through the mouth.  Then, identify:

  • 5 things you can see

  • 4 things you can feel

  • 3 things you can hear

  • 2 things you can smell

  • 1 thing you can taste

Whenever we find ourselves running around in circles in our head worrying, plotting, stressing, fearing, depressive or anxious use this practice to become present.

Come into our Self.

Remember who we are.

And conduct ourselves accordingly.

Welcome to the month of September and our 6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

Journey with us through the Spirit realm, elevating our consciousness, spirituality, and physical well-being through the transformational practice of sacred self-care.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.

The Divine in me sees and honors the Divine in you.


Take a Breath, Connect and be Present with our Self.


Our Body is a Gift to Embrace the Present