Unlocking the Power of Fasting: My Experience During a Total Solar Eclipse

So, Hubby and I recently did a 3 day water fast.

Yup…it’s exactly as it sounds. Pretty much just water for 3 days.

For quite some time, I've been interested in the practice of fasting.

Not the intermittent kind (IF) that's often associated with weight loss, but a true day-over-day fast.

Although I have strong reservations about fasting for weight-related reasons, I've always been an enthusiastic advocate of its health and spiritual benefits. This has only been from an academic standpoint….until now.

I chose the day of a once-in-a-lifetime new moon total solar eclipse as the perfect backdrop to challenge my body and nourish my spirit. The cosmic energy seemed to provide the perfect environment for this experiment.

I haven’t step on a scale in years, so I have no idea if I lost weight. My focus was on the journey itself.

Here's what I discovered and learned along the way:

-Time Reclamation: With food out of the equation, I found myself with significantly more time on my hands. Freed from deciding what to eat, I was able to channel this mental energy into other interests

-Emphasizing Hydration and Rest: During the fast, my primary sources of sustenance were water and sleep. Prioritizing these essential inputs underscored their importance in supporting overall well-being.

-Surprising Energy Peaks: Contrary to my expectations, I found my energy levels actually peaked towards the end of day two of the fast. This was an unexpected surge that I really enjoyed.

-Heightened Body Awareness: Throughout the fast, I became acutely attuned to my body's signals and sensations. This heightened awareness allowed for a deeper connection with myself.

-Clarity and Insights: I experienced moments of profound clarity and received what I can only describe as "downloads" of insight. These moments of heightened consciousness were both enlightening and empowering.

-Absence of Hangriness: Contrary to popular belief, I discovered that hangry behavior is not inevitable when you are hungry. It is the result of the expectation of food. When there is no expectation, there is no hangriness.

-Mindful Reintroduction of Food: Upon breaking the fast, I approached the reintroduction of food with intentionality, but could have done better. Being mindful of both quantity and quality will ensure a smooth transition back to regular eating.

-Renewed Energy and Vitality: Since reintroducing food, I've noticed a remarkable improvement in my energy levels, focus, and sleep quality.

-Tighter skin: Any bloat or inflammation in my body has dissipated, leaving me feeling revitalized with tighter skin.

-Personal Growth and Empowerment: Above all, I emerged from this experience with a profound sense of pride and accomplishment. It reaffirmed my belief in my ability to tackle challenges and grow from them.

And in the realm of science I learned about the profound transformations that occur within our bodies over 72hrs.

Here's the journey our bodies take on from hour to hour:

0-12 hours: During this initial period, insulin levels continue to decline as the body transitions from the post-absorptive state.

12-18 hours: Fat burning starts, signaling the onset of ketosis. The body begins utilizing stored fat as a primary source of energy.

24-48 hours: Now autophagy begins. This process involves the removal of cellular waste, repair of damaged cells, and regeneration at the cellular level. Immune cells undergo refreshing, bolstering the body's defense mechanisms.

48-54 hours :A surge of human growth hormone (HGH) takes place, facilitating tissue repair and reducing inflammation. This surge in HGH contributes to overall healing and rejuvenation.

54-72 hours: Insulin sensitivity reaches its peak, enhancing the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively. Cell turnover and regeneration are peaking, promoting cellular renewal and vitality. Additionally, stem cells proliferate, improving cell circulation and contributing to tissue repair and regeneration.

The experience of fasting during the total solar eclipse was a deeply transformative and enlightening experience. It validated the power of the mind-body connection and reaffirmed my commitment to personal growth and well-being.

Hubby and I will do again around the new moon in May.


Let me know!

And I would love to learn from your experiences! Have you ever fasted?


"Your subconscious only allows you to have what it believes you deserve".


“As above so below”