Spirit Meets Body
I don’t know about you, but I consider myself a spiritual woman.
Deeply spiritual.
Like…Woowoo spiritual.
And yes…I do all the spiritual things
I meditate
Have crystals
Sound bathe
Smudge the house
New and full moon rituals
Follow astrology
Talk to my Guides
Know some of my past lives
…and so much more.
The deeper I came to know Source, the more I embodied source.
The more I embodied source, the more my body mattered.
The more my body mattered, the more spiritual I became.
The more spiritual I became, the more I came to know Source.
And round and round it has gone for over a decade.
My spirituality is a practice that includes my physical form.
You ARE the Divine in feminine form.
Your spirit is experiencing the world in your body.
What kind of experience do you want to give it?
While there are many, one of my favorite ways to intentionally embody spirit is to breathe deep while moving my body. The movement can be lifting weights, yoga, walking, etc. The movement doesn’t matter as much as the intentionality behind it. And breathing is our life force. The
So, as you move…
Envision the internal mechanics of your body working. It doesn’t have to be an accurate representation, whatever comes to mind is perfect.
Then feel into those movements. Feel into the soles of your feet striking the ground as you walk. Feel into the muscle contracting as you lift, or muscle releasing as you stretch
And now that you are present, take deep belly breaths. Use your imagination while inhaling through the nose to breathe air into the movement and exhale LOUD and out through the mouth.
You may be thinking, just movement and breathing? I do this every day.
Yes….but with intention?
The intentional use, enjoyment and appreciation of our body IS what our Spirit came for. Not the neglectful use of our body.
And no, it’s not some crazy impractical, disruptive ritual or practice.
Embrace the simplicity.
Simple means it’s more accessible.
Simple means it can be done more consistently.
Simple means it can become a part of you.
And, a nice bonus is that deep breathing puts our body into a rest/digest state, which means it's more apt to use fat as a fuel source. Versus when our body is short of breath, in a fight/flight state and using sugar or muscle as a fuel source.
Additionally, my mentor reminded me the other day that fat is lost through breathing NOT sweating. It is when we release carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our body burning fat, that we actually lose weight.
This practice is a win/win for your body and Soul.
Isn’t the body magical?
Happy International Woman’s Day!