Radical Responsibility: Elevating Black Health Beyond Access Narratives
Hey…not every Black person lacks access to healthy food.
So, when I….
-Advocate for personal accountability for what we eat and if we exercise,
-Say that the fighting against racism will not cure your chronic illness right now,
-Promote radical responsibility of our heath and ownership of our bodies,
…it is not anti-black
Why is it, as soon as we begin to have a conversation about health, Black folks want to talk about access and food deserts? Why do we immediately point our fingers to the most vulnerable among us? Black people are not defined by our most at risk demographic.
I’m not talking to them. I’m talking to you….the brother/sister who was just at the concert, went on vacation within the last year, binge watches netflix, ordered Doordash the other night, posts pics with your new hair/outfit/nails/brows/tattoos, or celebrates your birthday all month long
YOU have plenty of access to affordable food and have time to exercise.
I am talking to YOU…the people who don't get spoken to directly very often.
The people who invest time and money in their career, but not their health.
The people that we are devastated to lose too young because of lifestyle choices.
LOL….quit deflecting.
I see you.
And I’m talking to you.
I recognize that you get left out of these conversations, because as soon as they come up we start talking about health equity.
I see you pouring your heart and soul, time and energy into caring for others and leaving yourself off the table.
YOU matter to me.
I’m not gonna let you fall through the cracks of this conversation.
The health of Black middle/ upper middle class and wealthy matter as much as those who lack access to healthy food options.
The conversations I have about personal accountability apply to you.
How many more successful, young Black men and women do we have to lose before we engage them in conversation about prioritizing health? Because ironically, they are the ones in seats of power who have the ability to fight racism more than anyone.
So yeah…go ahead and keep fighting racism (whatever that means for you) just eat a salad, take a walk and drink some water as you fight for “equality”
I said what I said
And it is said with so much love for my people.
We can do better
And I’m here to help if you’ll let me