Stop scrolling. Lets breathe...
Let’s explore another breathing technique.
This technique is called Box breathing. That is because each of the 4 steps is equal parts, like the sides of a box.
Find a Comfortable Position:
Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place.
Close your eyes if it helps you relax.
Begin by Exhaling:
Take a slow, deep breath out through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs. Relax your shoulders and jaw.
Inhale Slowly Through Your Nose:
Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose to a count of 4 seconds. Imagine drawing the breath into your belly, not just your chest.
Hold Your Breath:
Once you've inhaled fully, hold your breath for another count of 4 seconds. Keep your body relaxed.
Exhale Slowly Through Your Mouth:
Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 4 seconds. Feel your belly deflate as you release the breath.
Hold Your Breath Again:
After exhaling completely, hold your breath again for 4 seconds before starting the next cycle.
Repeat the Process:
Continue this cycle of inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and holding for 4 seconds.
Aim to complete several rounds (4-6 cycles) initially, gradually increasing as you become more comfortable with the technique.
Tips for Box Breathing:
Focus on making each phase of the breath (inhale, hold, exhale, hold) equal in duration.
Use a mental count to maintain a steady rhythm.
If you find yourself getting distracted, gently bring your focus back to the breath and the counting.
Practice box breathing regularly to help manage stress, increase relaxation, and promote a sense of calm and focus.
Box breathing is a versatile technique that can be used anywhere and anytime we need to center ourselves, reduce anxiety or anger, raise our vibration, and/or elevate our quality of life.
We are in the month of July and our 4th Pillar of Wellness - Breath
Breath is the first of 3 Pillars in the realm of theSpirit.
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