Let Breath Be Your Best Friend
Let breath be our BFF.
There’s nothing better than the feeling of someone having your back.
No matter if times are good or bad.
If you are at your best or worst.
Knowing you have someone to count on feels good.
Your breath can be that and even more…
Your breath is yours and yours alone.
Your breath is your sacred domain and private space.
It cannot be breached.
It cannot be taken from you.
It is the foundation on which we stand, no matter the fear, danger or stress of a situation.
We can always go inside, find our breath, center ourselves and return to the outside world steady, strong and free.
It does more than bring us to back to normal or baseline.
Breath elevates our consciousness and sense of wellbeing.
Breath is the invitation of Spirit.
Now, think about this...
What do you feel like when you are with the people who love you?
Your friends and family, who you are truly yourself around?
Who allows you to be your most authentic self and live your best life?
The relationship with that person can and should be the model for the relationshipyour breath has to our body.
Think about who those people are and why we have them in our life.
For the most part, we go to them for comfort, wise counsel and perspective, guidance and decision making, right?
We can also call on our breath for the same reasons.
Our breath has our back.
When you’re worked up, who do you call on to calm you down and see clearly?
Call on your breath.
When you are sad and feeling down, who do you call on to lift you up and remind you of how wonderful you are?
Call on your breath.
And when you’re happy, who do you call to enjoy the moment with?
Call on your breath.
Take a deep, cleansing belly breath for the wisdom of Sage, to get wise Counsel and Spiritual guidance.
We do it unintentionally all the time.
When you want to savor the moment, what do we do?
Take a deep breath
When we are ready to relax at the end of a long day, what do we do?
Take a deep breath.
We already use our breath as a means of communication to ourselves, now it is time to be intentional with it.
We are in the month of July and our 4th Pillar of Wellness - Breath
Breath is the first of 3 Pillars in the realm of the Spirit.
Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.
Learn more at OriAra.com