All Emotion Fully Felt is Bliss. Connect With Yourself.

All emotion fully felt is bliss.

And not just the good ones like joy, happiness and excitement.

All emotions.

Even the uncomfortable ones.

Connect with yourself.

In the world of consciousness, spirituality, personal growth and fitness discomfort is a sign that we are on the right path.

So the challenge becomes connecting to the emotions that cause discomfort.

In a society that provides countless conveniences to keep us comfortable—medications, entertainment, and more—it’s easy to become disconnected from our emotions.

So we become comfortable with our level of disconnection and discomfort.

I remember a podcast that changed my life.

The guest asked the host “what is the opposite of pleasure?”

The host answered “the opposite of pleasure is pain, right?”

The guest responded “wrong.  The opposite of pleasure is comfort.”

Comfort aka disconnection causes our stagnation and frustration in life, not pain.

This disconnection becomes a comfort zone.

Comfort is confused with happiness and therefore no reason to pursue greater desires and thrive in life.

Pain on the other hand will spur us into action.

We don’t sit in pain.

We only sit in comfort and disconnection.

This is why every feeling fully felt (including pain) IS a good thing.

Feeling discomfort is a good thing.

It means we have left our disconnected zone of comfort.

Feeling feelings again will be uncomfortable, but it’s a sign that we are tuned in to our Self and our Universe

Believe it or not, it’s the first sign that we are on the path to true happiness!

So, let’s leave ourselves open, body, heart and mind to feel every feeling.

And as we feel that energy in motion in our body, let's dive into each sensation.

Get to know and appreciate the nuanced difference between:

  • Anger, frustration and irritation.

  • Feeling lazy, unmotivated and tired.

  • Joy, excitement and pleasure.

  • Love, passion and ecstasy.

  • All of these are emotions.

And all of them are different when we take the time to fully feel and experience them

Every emotion we fully experience is a gift that connects us to our Self.

Create positive discomfort.

Deepen your connection with your emotions.

Identify Discomfort: Reflect on who you truly want to be and the discomfort you may have avoided that would take you there. What challenges have you stepped back from?

Take Action: Think of ways to introduce positive discomfort into your life:

  • Reach Out: Is there someone you need to call?

  • Enroll: Can you sign up for a class you’ve been hesitating about?

  • Accept Invitations: Are there social events or opportunities you’ve declined?

  • Join Activities: Is there a gym membership or group class you’ve been putting off?

    Challenge Yourself: Choose at least one activity that makes your heart race because it represents discomfort or challenge, and commit to trying it.

    Embrace and connect with every emotion to create opportunities for positive discomfort.

This helps us stay connected to our Self and elevates our consciousness, spirituality and physical wellbeing.

This is the last post for August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

Join us in the month of September for our 6th Pillar of Wellness.

We are taking a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence


Treat Your Body the Way You Want To Be Treated