Accepting the Season of Rest and Change

Embracing the Season of Rest

As the seasons change, we are reminded of the importance of rest.

October brings with it a distinct energy.

Mother Nature tells us that she is preparing to rest.

Our circadian rhythms begin to sync.

Our body desires alignment with this slower pace and harmonizing with the natural world.

Dwindled sunlight encourages us to embrace darkness.

Watching animals, birds, and trees adapt to the seasons offers us valuable lessons.

Every year we witness their natural inclination to rest, thrive, and prepare for what’s next.

Most living organisms honor a period of rest as essential for health and survival.

Nature teaches us that a strong rest ethic is crucial to not just survive but to thrive.

Yet, as the “most evolved species,” we often overlook our basic needs.

Imagine how life would improve if we prioritize our mental and physical health by allowing ourselves to rest.

Our ancestors understood the value of rest, making sure to rest their eyes.

No matter the culture, there was a shared understanding of the importance of taking time to rest and rejuvenate.

And whether we understood it or not, it was a sacred time.

We can learn from their wisdom, simultaneously improving our health and reconnecting with our true nature.

At some point we will learn that we gain nothing working against our nature.

Our body is uniquely designed to be at its best when in harmony with its natural cycles.

What achievement is worth the cost of the body that allows us to enjoy it?

Let us reprioritize our goals and achievements to include, respecting our nature - resting our body for good health.

The world will continue to turn and the seasons will change, regardless of our willingness to adapt.

Each night offers us a chance to experience the fall and winter.

Just as each morning invites the renewal of spring and summer.

The contrast of each season being necessary to fully appreciate the other.

Accept the invitation to rest each night and live life to its full potential.

How much more life could we enjoy and appreciate if we were well rested?

How much more life could we enjoy and appreciate if we accepted change?

Our ability to accept rest is equal to our ability to accept change in life.

The life we desire is often on the other side of change.

So rest.

Welcome to The Body Ministry Blog.

In this month of October we explore the 7th Pillar of Wellness - Rest

This marks the beginning of our journey learning about sacred self-care, in the Physical Realm, to elevate our consciousness, spirituality, and physical well-being.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.



“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” - We Need To Do Better.


Rest Unlocks Your Superpowers