Reconnect with Self: Inventory What You’re Consuming

In our crazy, fast world, it is common to overlook the little ways in which our daily habits impact our connection with our Self.

From the food and media we consume, to the company we keep, every aspect of our lives can either nurture or sever our relationship with Self. 

To truly connect with our Self, it’s essential we take a holistic inventory of our physical reality and its effects on our well-being.  

To ask our Self..

“What is causing any disconnect with my Self?”

 “Am  I more connected to something more than my Self?”

“Am I truly happy with my current connections?”

We previously touched on medication as a source of disconnection.

Throughout the day we connect to many other aspects of life that have a similar effect as medication.

Our connection and relationship with TV, music, food, friends, work can be beautiful extensions of our favorite Self.  Or they can distract, disable and disconnect us from our Self.

Reflect on how these factors might be disrupting your connection with your Self:

  • Food: What we eat plays a significant role in how we feel. There are foods that leave us feeling good and energized.  And there are foods that make us feel heavy, uncomfortable and in need of a nap.  

We become the energy of the food we eat

  • Medication: While medication can be necessary, it’s important that we  understand how it might be masking underlying issues rather than addressing them. Are there lifestyle changes or alternative treatments that could help?

As above so below.  If our body is experiencing illness (so below) there is a Spiritual/energetic illness (as above) that came first.  How are we healing the Spirit?

  • Music and Television: The media we consume can influence our mood and mindset. Evaluate whether the entertainment you engage with inspires a deeper interest and relationship or dismissal of your Self.  

Television is programming our subconscious.  Music is spells that we chant in our head after the song ends. Our social media feed is a reflection of our real life algorithm.

  • Friends and Social Circles: The people we surround ourselves with have a large impact our emotional and mental health and sense of Self. Are your relationships supportive of your most authentic and favorite Self?

The energetic field/aura that surrounds each of us interacts with one another.  Are you sharing space and connected with auras that uplift yours?

  • Work: Our work environment and career pressures can significantly affect our well-being. Assess whether your job adds to or depletes you.

For most people, our human existence revolves around how we make a living.  Does how you make a living add to your humanity and Self?

By looking at these areas of our life, we can start to identify and address factors that may be interrupting our connection with our body and Self. 

We can connect with our Self and make conscious choices that align with our well-being.

What aspects of your life are enhancing your connection with your Self? 

What aspects of your life are disrupting your connection with your Self? 

How can you make changes to better listen to and honor your body’s needs?

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


Treat Your Body the Way You Want To Be Treated


Generation X: The Last Era of Genuine Connection to the Body