Treat Your Body the Way You Want To Be Treated

Treat your body how you want to be treated.

You ARE your body.

Your body IS you.

If you, as a personality, likes to be treated with love, respect, loyalty, consistency, appreciation, etc… does your body.

If you, as a personality, do not like to be ghosted, disrespected, mistreated, unappreciated, etc….neither does your body.

Our body has our attitude and it is not shy.

It is magical and an excellent communicator about our needs, so there is no need to wonder how we are doing.

It simply requires that we take an interest in getting to know it.  

Creating an environment where our body’s signals are heard and valued is essential. 

Creating a safe space for it to speak and be heard, knowing that everything we hear is for our ultimate wellbeing. 

Two of the most painful feelings in the world are feeling ignored and misunderstood.

Two of the most powerful feelings in the world are feeling seen and understood.

We know this from experience and so does our body.

So, we will treat ourselves the way we want to be treated.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way.

There are actions and behaviors,

There are decisions and a mindset, 

That either brings us closer to or farther away from the connection we desire with our body. 

That is all.

There is no judgment.  Only creation.

So let’s look at what we are creating with our actions, behaviors, decisions and thoughts to see if it is in alignment with our favorite, desired Self.

A wonderful side effect of getting more connected to our body and listening to what it's saying, is the elimination of guess work and therefore it is easier to live in wellbeing.

Here are some body mindfulness techniques to try out that will strengthen our connection with our body.  (And please revisit last month’s topic on breath as a technique to connect with your body)


Daily Body Awareness Journal:

  • Step 1: Set aside 5-10 minutes at a consistent time each day for journaling.

  • Step 2: Begin by noting any physical sensations, discomfort, or areas of tension you’ve experienced.

  • Step 3: Reflect on your emotional state and how it might be affecting your body.

  • Step 4: Record any patterns you notice in your physical or emotional well-being.

  • Step 5: Write about any actions or behaviors that seemed to influence your body’s signals.

  • Step 6: Set intentions or goals for better self-care based on your reflections.

Gratitude Journal:

  • Step 1: Each day, write down three things you are grateful for related to your body and health.

  • Step 2: Reflect on moments of appreciation for your body’s capabilities and sensations.

  • Step 3: Note any positive changes or improvements in how you feel.

  • Step 4: Regularly revisit your entries to reinforce a positive connection with your body.

Self-Check-Ins (set an alarm on your phone):

Morning Check-In:

  • Step 1: Upon waking, take a moment to tune into your body’s sensations and feelings.

  • Step 2: Ask yourself how you feel physically and emotionally.

  • Step 3: Set an intention for the day based on your current state (e.g., practicing extra self-care or focusing on hydration).

Midday Check-In:

  • Step 1: Take a short break during your day to assess how you’re feeling.

  • Step 2: Reflect on any physical discomfort or emotional stress you may be experiencing.

  • Step 3: Adjust your activities or self-care practices as needed to address any issues.

Evening Check-In:

  • Step 1: Before bed, reflect on your day and how your body responded.

  • Step 2: Consider what actions or behaviors contributed positively or negatively to your well-being.

  • Step 3: Practice a brief relaxation or mindfulness technique to wind down.

  • Step 4: Note any insights or observations in your journal for future reference.

Integrating these practices can help us become more attuned to our body, creating a deeper connection and elevating our consciousness, spirituality and physical well-being.

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


All Emotion Fully Felt is Bliss. Connect With Yourself.


Reconnect with Self: Inventory What You’re Consuming