Generation X: The Last Era of Genuine Connection to the Body

Generation X: The Last Era of Genuine Connection to the Body

Gen X was the last entire generation that:

  • Grew up with regular home cooked meals. Fast-food was an irregular treat.

  • Walked and rode our bikes to get around, there was no electric scooters or Uber for teens

  • Lived outside more than inside.

  • Shared a home phone and computer with the entire family, instead of smart phones and high screen time.

  • Drank water out of water hoses, not Starbucks with syrup and whip.

The Root of Disconnection: The Food Industry

Let’s admit that the 1980’s weren’t a good look for anyone.

The hair was wild.

Makeup was awful.

And our government (funded by special interest groups) introduced the food pyramid, promoting processed foods at the same time of the rise of cable television and the largest food marketing budgets we had ever seen.

In hindsight, some of us just looked foolish. 

Our government looks predatory.

The Impact of Processed Foods

And as we roll from the 80’s into the 90’s we see the rise in chronic illnesses and obesity that brings us to our current day national health crisis.

Today's Standard American Diet (SAD) is dominated by processed foods, with about 70% of it being highly processed. 

These foods often contain harmful, nutrient-deficient ingredients, leading to physical discomfort and disconnection from our bodies. 

Despite being marketed as "natural," "organic," or "healthy," these products mislead us into believing they are good for our health.

We mindlessly consume and do not ask questions.  Poisoning our body becomes a part of our daily diet. 

Why This Matters

From a young age, many have been conditioned to view processed foods as normal. 

With obesity rates among children climbing to around 20%, this disconnect is more pronounced than ever.

As a result, recent generations have grown up in bodies that are often uncomfortable and disconnected from their true needs. 

Many adults born after Gen X have not experienced true wellbeing and therefore have no basis of comparison (and very little motivation), because many were raised on dis-ease causing foods. 

We have grown comfortable living in uncomfortable bodies.

How to Reconnect

To address this disconnection, we need to be proactive:

  1. Consume Whole, Clean Foods: Focus on nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods and drink 2-3 liters of water daily.

  2. Conduct an Elimination Diet: This helps reset your body and make it easier to identify what makes you feel unwell.

  3. Listen and respond to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of hunger, thirst, and fatigue.

  4. Meals as a Spiritual Practice: Engage in your spiritual practice with every high vibrational meal

Reflect on your generation and food story. How has your upbringing shaped your connection with yourself?

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


Reconnect with Self: Inventory What You’re Consuming


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