The Wisdom of the Body

Last month we explored breath, our 4th Pillar of Wellness, which is the perfect segue into connection.

Connection is what our breath is.

Breath is our connection between who we REALLY are and the body that we use to navigate the world. 

But our breath is only one method of communication that our body uses to connect with us.  

Let’s take a second to geek out and find the root meaning of the word ‘connection’.

The origin of the word can be found in the french word ‘connexer’, meaning ‘to establish a relationship’ and later to mean “"awaken meaningful emotions, establish rapport"

How beautiful is that?

With this understanding we can better appreciate the experience of having a harmonious connection with our body.

When we think about having a connection with our body within those terms, it feels so important and so meaningful.

And it feels like a relationship we want to reconcile.

Our body is constantly speaking to us. 

Our physical body is simply condensed, 3 dimensional God/Source energy….it has purpose.

Our body holds innate wisdom that we can connect to, as  our gift to us while on earth, so that we have a magical experience that feels like heaven.

When that wisdom speaks to us as a feeling in our body, it’s because the feeling is communicating a message:

  • The butterflies in our stomach tell us that we are excited or nervous.  

  • The ache in our heart tells us that we miss someone.  

  • A rush of energy in the body tells us we are motivated

  • Chills/goosebumps can tell us we are inspired

  • Getting teary eyed can tell us we are moved by something touching

  • Desire/yearning in our hearts is our Highest and favorite Self telling us we are onto something.

And of course, there are the more practical forms of communication, so that we pay attention to our needs:

  • The growling of our stomach tells us our body needs fuel.

  • Sweat on our body tells us that we are overheated.

  • Thirst tells us we are dehydrated

  • Bloating tells us we’ve consumed something that is disagreeing with our digestive system

  • Inflammation tells us our body is fighting

  • Waking up tired means we aren’t fully rejuvenated.

These are all means of communication and connection with our body.

These are all means of communication and connection with our Source.

And while not every communication requires a specific response, every communication is an invitation to connect with Self, with life.

Now, we’ve all attempted to connect with someone.

A partner, family member, colleague, etc. 

How does it feel to be constantly being ignored?

Not very good.

Conversely, we’ve all had experiences when attempting to connect with someone goes great.

How good does it feel when attempts to connect are well received and embraced?

Very good!

This is the same relationship we are establishing, not just with our body but with Source.

Everything is communication from God/Source.

Don’t dismiss being tired, as though that is not communication from God.

Don’t dismiss the pull on your heart to do something new, as though that is not communication from God.

We weaken our ability to receive the message every time we ignore it.

So, let us listen.

To our body.

To Source.

Let’s open the invitation to connect and RSVP - Yes!

Psssst….no response, IS a response.

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.

Learn more at


Comfortable with Uncomfortable Bodies


5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection