5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

“We will be in tune with our bodies only when we truly love and honor them. We can’t be in good communication with the enemy.” – Harriet Lerner

Welcome to August, where we focus on our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection.

As a former Trainer, I quickly learned that a Client’s success is not necessarily their physical capabilities, it is more importantly about the connection with their body. 

Training sessions were not just mind-muscle coordination or physical form. We discussed their answers to questions like:

  • When did you last eat?

  • How much sleep are you getting?

  • When was your last menstrual cycle?

  • How long have you been constipated?

  • When did you notice your weight gain?

If Clients struggled to answer these questions, it signaled a deeper issue than just learning proper form.

Many of  us  hire a Trainer or take a fitness class because we are unsure where else to turn. 

When, for many of us, the real need is to improve our connection with our own bodies. 

Improve, not establish, the connection with ourselves

We are innately born connected to ourselves.

But because we ignore the attempts at communication from our body and don’t respond back, our connection with ourselves grows weak over time.

As our connection with ourselves weakens, so does our physical strength, immune system, and mental health.

And the only thing we know to do as we see our body deteriorate, is seek external solutions like getting a trainer and going on a diet.

While these can help and need to be a part of our journey, true relief and transformation begin with reconnecting with ourselves.

If this sounds like you, join us in August as we explore and deepen our connection with Self. 

Discover the most rewarding relationship of your life, to live the life of your dreams.

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


The Wisdom of the Body


Elevate your consciousness and wellbeing. Breathe.