Comfortable with Uncomfortable Bodies

We need to talk about this…

Discomfort is our new norm. 

The unfortunate truth is that we’ve become comfortable with discomfort. 

The way our body talks to us is like talking to that friend who has no filter.

It’s direct, blunt and gives no f**ks.

Our body is crying and cursing us out with… 

  • Stress,

  • Headaches,

  • Constipation, 

  • Exhaustion, 

  • Binge eating/no eating, 

  • Illness 

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

…and more, but we have become comfortable with it. 

Our bodies live in discomfort as a part of everyday life and we completely miss the message. 

We either, don't see, ignore and/or do not appreciate the invitation to connect with our Self. 

Our body is trying to establish a relationship by invoking meaningful emotions that should get us to respond.

But we often don't.

So, our body escalates the intensity of the communication.

It’s not until the message becomes dramatic that we actually begin to listen. 

We begin to pay attention only after we are negatively impacted in some way.

It’s like the ‘mom’ trait of being able to tune out our kids when they fuss and fight. 

We hear the fussing, but are comfortable with it and not willing to stop whatever we are doing, at the current level of bickering. 

But then, at some point, it gets uncommonly quiet.  

The quiet has us paying attention at high alert and then it comes…. the gasp and then the wail cry.  

With the wail cry we know it’s time to stop what we are doing, get up and find out what’s going on.

Well, that ‘wail’ cry is the child equivalent of our adult hospital visits and not being able to button our pants.  

We are comfortable at our current level of discomfort and therefore not overly motivated to get up and make changes.  

But then, at some point, the discomfort escalates and the alarm is sounded and we are forced to respond back.  

We finally hear our body ‘wail cry’ and we rush to find out what  is going on and how to fix it.  

Or have you ever seen a picture and not recognize yourself?  

Sure, we know we haven’t really been putting forth any effort to exercise or eat right, but we didn’t think it showed that much.  

The picture becomes a form of communication that we cannot ignore.  

We actually see ourselves pretty clearly for the first time in a while.  

And with that clarity we get its message loud and clear.  

Does any of this sound familiar?

If so, think about 1-3 recent invitations your body has sent you to connect.

Was it physical or emotional?

How did you respond?

We are in the month of August and our 5th Pillar of Wellness - Connection

This is a deep dive into the Spirit realm and journeying through activating your Divinity, by making your body a part of your belief system.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.


When the Body Talks We Need to Listen


The Wisdom of the Body