Who Are You Being?

One frantic afternoon, a lifetime ago, I had a call with my Life Coach that changed my life.

I don’t recall the topic at hand.

She asked me to think about something I put a lot of effort into. 

Naturally I thought about being a mother.

I thought about how I always feel like I could be doing more and should be doing better. 

I gave her the example of feeling like I don’t have enough time to get everything done to be a ‘good’ mom. 

So, in a rush to get everything done faster I end up screaming at my kids.

Then berating myself, all in the name of being a ‘good mom’. 

My life coach asked me if my goal was to be a good mother, do I want to be present to the stress or present with my kids?

I said present with my kids.

She asked if being stressed out and loud meet my definition of good parenting?

I said no.

She asked if I was present with my kids, regardless of circumstance, would that meet my definition of good parenting?

I answered yes.

I was gently reminded that I could be more present.

I could release this undue pressure and stress and realize I am already a good mom.  

I could drop the agenda and just be there.

If my intention is to be a good mom I only need to be present with my children.

Understanding that when it comes to presence, who we are being is more important than what we are doing

We aren’t what we do.

We are who we are being.

Who are we being, as we pursue our goals?

The energy we use to conduct ourselves will determine our success more than anything else.

Going through the motions isn’t enough.

So, this is a call to action.

Become present to who we are being.

Who are we being when intentionally moving our body vs letting it fall into disrepair?

Who are we being when we meditate and pray vs ignoring connection with our Source?

Who are we being when we are rested and energized vs being tired and lethargic?

Who are we being when we have grace and show love vs. being unyielding and unforgiving.

Being present to who we are IS the secret hack we’ve all been waiting for.

There’s nowhere to go. 

Nothing to earn.

Nothing to strive for.

Just be.

And poof…. then we are.

Welcome to the month of September and our 6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

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The Power of the Present