The Power of the Present

The Power of Presence

Being present is a practice that elevates our consciousness, spirituality and physical well-being.

In the present moment we begin to co-create the life we desire and move closer to our true Self.

Ultimately, our presence brings us back to our intention.

This is important because identifying and pursuing our intentions is why we are here.

When we are not present it’s easy to get caught up and lost in momentum.

We end up not really making choices about anything.

We live in a world that makes it easy to just mindlessly go with the flow.

We don’t have to get to know who we truly are or what we desire.

Our society pushes a variety of brands that tell us who we are and what we should want.

From a young age we can get swept away in ideas that do not really belong to us.

But they provide a sense of identity that many of us crave.

Then we wake up one day wondering how and why we are living a life we don’t remember choosing.

Sound familiar?

Remember that time when you tried on your favorite pair of jeans and they didn't fit?

You pause for a moment trying to figure out just exactly that happened.

Then you realize you’ve been preoccupied, mind distracted and lost track of time and Self.

I do.

Or, do you remember a time when you go to do something and your whole body crackles and pops?

And you reminisce about the days when moving wasn't uncomfortable.

Maybe even remembering when moving was fun.

These are examples of not being present.

It is the result of unintentional momentum carrying us through from day to day, living a life that we are not aware that we are living.

Not being present with our Self.

It’s a beautiful synchronicity and Divine intervention when we receive these uncomfortable messages.

They help us to regain consciousness and become present.

These aren’t moments to make us feel bad and to fall deeper into the unintentional momentum that brought us here.

These are serendipitous moments that are gifted to us so we have the opportunity to take control and co-create our life.

These moments are gifts to get curious about how we arrived here, appreciate where we are, assess how we feel about it, set an intention and decide what are the best next steps to get us there.

While the present is the end of our journey through the Spirit realm.

The present is where everything we desire ends and begins.

It is the only moment.

Take a deep belly breath.

Connect with the sensations of your body.

Become present.

The end.

And the beginning….

Welcome to the month of September and our 6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

Journey with us through the Spirit realm, elevating our consciousness, spirituality, and physical well-being through the empowering practice of sacred self-care.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.

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Who Are You Being?


The Present is Always The First Step of The Journey