The Present Moment is our Navigation

Presence is the bridge between our breath - The Spirit of Life - and an intentional connection with our body.

Presence binds us to the here and now instead of an unhealthy attachment to our past  or  worrying about our future.

So, what’s good about the here and now?

What does presence have to do with our health and well-being?

Being attuned to the present puts us in the driver's seat.

It allows us to be intentional about the choices we make.

The present moment is a constant gift to us to make choices that bring us closer to the life of our dreams.

Achieving our goals is more than just knowing what we want.

Successful paths are charted starting with awareness of the present location.

So, let’s be present.

Taking that moment to become intimately aware of not just our physical state, but our state of being.

Who are we being at this moment?

Who do we desire to be?

Now, with those points plotted, begin our journey.

By being present, we continually engage with life, adjusting our actions, co-creating a path to our destination.

Whether we desire to deepen our connection with Source, better understand the laws of the Universe or feel good in our skin, it starts with presence.

The present moment is our navigation system to everything we desire.

Welcome to the month of September and our 6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

Journey with us through the Spirit realm, elevating our consciousness, spirituality, and physical well-being through the empowering practice of body ministry. We harmonize the sacred care of our bodies with our spiritual, conscious growth and health.

Join us for a new Pillar of Wellness every month.

The light in me see’s the light in you.


The Present is Always The First Step of The Journey


6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence